Friday, January 30, 2015

R2-D2 is the real hero of Star Wars

That's right, I said it. This spunky little robot is the true hero f the original Star Wars movie. It is actually quite obvious when you think about it. He was the only member of the team who, from start to finish, never gave up on the mission. Ben Kenobi was content living as a hermit, Luke just wanted to get power converters, Han and Chewy just wanted money, Leia was captured, and C3PO wanted to give up. However, R2D2 never lost his resolve. He received his message and the plans to the death star and tirelessly searched for Obi Wan Kenobi. He was the one who was able to locate princess Leia on the Death Star. He was the one who saved everyone from the trash compactor, he was the one who repaired Luke's ship and allowed him to take down the Death Star. He even took a laser which, had it not hit him, may have destroyed Luke's ship and compromised the mission. Despite all this, my boy R2 never even got a medal. So what do you guys think? Is R2 a hero or am I completely off base? Can a droid even be a hero if they are programmed to do their job? Let me know


  1. R2 is like the type of lovable, adorable character whom we always root for. I think I'd consider R2 a secondary hero because, as you said, he was devoted to the mission the entire time. I would still call Luke the main hero, but R2 certainly deserves more credit than just being an adorable little droid.

  2. I believe that R2 was an enabler throughout the movie. Yes, with out him the whole plot of the movement would seize to exist because he carried vital information. But the thing to think about is that R2 did not load the information into himself, but someone did for him. I really liked R2's character and agree with Josh in saying that he is the character we always root for. Although R2 did go through many struggles as a hero would, I am not sure that R2 could be considered a true hero.

    1. Very good point. R2 is a hero not only for carrying the information about the death star, however, also for keeping the other characters safe. Throughout the film, it is R2's responsibility to help out the other characters. Two main examples being in the trash compactor, where R2 was the only one capable of keeping the characters alive, as well as on the ship Luke was flying, and being responsible for repairing it. The storyline relies on this little robot to keep the heroes safe. R2 is just as much a hero for keeping the heroes safe, as Luke is for destroying the bad guys.

  3. As far as being called the true hero of Star Wars, I'd have to agree with you about R2D2. There are almost no instances where R2D2 gives up, or even does anything wrong, and he stays constant through the entire movie while most of the other characters go through a transformation in personality. I feel that R2 was created to be that "cute" little droid to attract some younger viewers towards the movie, and that he serves as a good secondary character. He, however, is not one of the main characters nor can he speak so his contribution is often ignored. I do agree that he is a hero, but just not one of the main heroes.

  4. Interesting. Dan, I wonder if you still feel this way after learning about the Hero's Journey. What is R2D2's journey? His qualities are heroic, indeed. Is there a difference between being heroic - even being the most heroic - and being the hero?

  5. R2D2 may not be able to talk to humans, but everything he does is heroic. He is always trying to help people and make sure he does whatever they need. In fact, if not for R2D2, Han, Luke and Leia would have all gotten crushed by the trash compactors. When you think about what makes up a hero, it is mostly somebody that goes out of their way to help others and puts others before themselves. R2D2 definitely possess these characteristics.

  6. I 100% agree with you Dan. R2-D2 is the real hero of the story. He saves Luke countless amounts of times. I hope I am not the only one who wished R2-D2 did not die after being shot. He had the audiences hearts. I felt more feelings when R2-D2 died rather than Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  7. While I agree that R2-D2's acts are heroic and his role in the story is essential, I do not believe that you could consider him a hero. In my opinion, a hero must have the option help others. R2 was programmed to do what he did and therefor had no choice in the matter whether he liked it or not. Superman could have just as easily used his powers for evil but he chose to help people. Superman would be much less heroic if there was someone or something forcing him to help people. This choice is necessary in my mind when labeling someone a hero.
