Thursday, April 16, 2015

Humor and Religion As Essay Topics

While thinking about papers that I would be interested in reading, I came up with two very different concepts. The first idea I had would be an essay about the use of humor throughout the novel. This topic could be interpreted in a few different ways. First, it could be an essay written about certain extremities that made the novel comical to the writer. This would vary among each person, but is a little tough because some may not have found things comical at all. A better idea would be an essay written about how Alan Moore uses humor throughout the comic book series to lighten the mood during dark times. Whether it may be Rorschach breaking a man's hand finger by finger as if it was nothing, to actual jokes made by the characters, I think the variety would be very entertaining. My second idea of an essay topic is looking further into the use of religion throughout the book. I feel like doing further research into the various Bible references could provide more insight into the meaning of the novel. Also, I would be curious to know why Alan Moore decided to include all of the religious aspects into Watchmen. Overall, these two options are completely different but equally interesting to me!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the first topic about the similarities and differences humor during darker moments versus the actual jokes made would make a good topic. As you said, the variety of jokes in the novel would make every essay unique based by how each individual person interprets the humor.
