Sunday, April 5, 2015

Mal's (Inevitably) Failed Attempt to Fix Rorschach

In Chapter VI, the character Mal is introduced and he takes a vested interest in Rorschach. He tries to fix Rorschach, and reiterates that he is doing it because he generally cares about Rorschach. I believe that this course of action was doomed from the start. We don't know what Mal's backstory is, but judging from the darkness of chapter VI it's unlikely that it was even remotely close to the brutality of Rorschach's past. Rorschach has never really been given an opportunity to be a good person in this society. I believe that he has had good intentions. Examples are when he walks in on his mother sleeping with a man thinking she was being hurt, and also trying to save the little girl. Of course, when he tries to save the girl he brutally murders two dogs and a man. However, I believe this is because all his life, all he has known is violence. Even when he's trying to do the right thing, his evilness comes out of him. I believe this is why Mal's advance on Rorschach was doomed from the start. There's really no getting through to Rorschach because the people that have surrounded him his whole life have made him crazy.


  1. I agree with a lot of what you have to say, however, I don't really consider Rorschach to be evil. He simply has an incredibly twisted version of what justice is. He is trying to do the right thing, he simply has no rules in how he goes about doing the right thing. Mal can't connect with him as Rorschach knows he is far too complex for simple ink blots and basic psychiatric work to have any effect against him. As a result, he is untreatable by Mal's character.

  2. I agree with Brett Trimbur. It's impossible to save someone who is already damned. The entirety of Rorschach's innocence is lost to the world and he sees the world for what it truly is. In this way Rorschach is similar to the comedian. The difference is that Rorschach is actively, almost desperately, trying to change the world and his actions reflect his dark past

  3. I feel that Rorschach is something that Walter Kovacs used to escape a lot of the issues he was facing, and I think that after finding out that the little girl was killed he completely lost it and stopped really caring about people. He seems to only focus on the goals and lacks empathy. I feel that the only way that Rorschach could have been re-humanized was if he saw how his actions were no different from the people whom he calls evil.
