Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The man behind the mask

Rorschach is a product of his circumstances, without his past he wouldn't have such a cynical outlook on the future. In chapter 6 we learn a lot about Rorschach and Kovac's past, and none of it paints humanity in an appealing light, in fact it is such a negative view that he convinces Mal, the psychiatrist, of his world view. This makes me wonder how Kovac would have turned out under different circumstances.  What would Rorschach be like if he went to academy? Would he have the same world view?

1 comment:

  1. I feel he would look at the world in a different light simply because he would not have gone through a similar situation. His upbringing was the perfect breeding ground to create Rorschach. Though he definitely has some anger issues, had he been brought up in a more conventional manner then they would have affected him to a far lesser degree.
